According to the report from The Bell website, in the letter sent by Yandex General Manager Yelana Bunina to the employees, it is stated that the service named ‘Pomosch ryadom’ (next to Help) has launched a beta version. It was also informed that the company has already acquired coronavirus tests. The beta version of the service will be tested by Yandex employees. Employees will provide information on how the service works. Test requests will be evaluated every day in the system. Positive results as a result of tests to be carried out by home experts will be provided to the Russian Human Health and Consumer Protection Agency (Rospotrebnadzor). For tests for the beta version, the institution works with the Heliks and Gemotest laboratories, the only authorized private laboratories in Moscow. Yandex announced on 26 March that it would be released, and through this service, doctors, medicines and basic requirements could be procured.

Yandex Starts Trying The Service To Be Used For Coronavirus Testing At Home - 26