The actor Will Smith has proposed to contribute personally to the eradication of the “embarrassing” character that still carries, especially for men, a medical procedure so important for health and the prevention of serious diseases such as colonoscopy. For this, the Hollywood star has decided to share a video that addresses his last visit to his trusted doctor, Ala Stanford, and also his valuable reflections on the matter. “It’s 2019, it’s time for us to take care of ourselves and monitor our health. For some it is still too embarrassing to do something as simple as this, which is essential to stay healthy. You just have to do it, man!”, Says the unforgettable protagonist from ‘The Prince of Bel-Air’ in an excerpt from the aforementioned recording. In the same audiovisual piece you can see the moment in which the said doctor meets with Will to talk about the test results, which are not exactly positive. In fact, it informs you of the detection of a polyp that, although it was identified in time and, therefore, would be removed immediately, could have caused serious complications of having let it grow. “Actually, we have found a polyp. Right now it has left no sequels, there is no bleeding, perforation, holes and, therefore, no problems. But if we had not detected it, it could have grown and grown. In African-American males, the chances of getting colon cancer by this means are higher than average. If left untreated, it could spread rapidly to the rest of the body, “Dr. Stanford explains in the same recording. You may also like.