Scientists were able to observe very clearly the gamma ray burst, which they had previously observed very weakly. The gamma ray burst emits a trillion times brighter light into space than is visible light. Large stars are doomed to death no matter how long they live. When the mass of a large star begins to run out of fuel, the star’s core starts to collapse into it, producing a lot of heat. As the temperature in the star increases, the core shrinks and collapses completely. The collapse of the nucleus leads to a very strong explosion. This big explosion is called the hypernova explosion. The explosion of a large mass star is a gamma ray explosion that presents a spectacular light show in space. Scientists have recently detected an explosion that will overshadow other hypernova eruptions.

The gamma ray burst, called GRB 190114C, was trillion times brighter than visible light with energy between 200 and 1000 billion electron volts. Scientists have previously observed the light left from such explosions. However, for the first time, the light of the gamma explosion could be directly observed. Scientists’ discovery of this gamma-ray explosion was detailed and announced in two articles published in Nature this week. Detecting the gamma ray burst was actually a team job. The High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) telescope, installed in Namibia, first observed a weak reflection of a large gamma-ray emission in July 2018. A few months later, bright lights from the same source were detected with the Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) telescope installed in the Canary Islands. Paul Kuin, a co-author of the two papers at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory at University College London, says the first data obtained determine which area they should observe to capture the gamma ray burst. I think we’re lucky to have everything in place, Paul Kuin told. The MAGIC telescope looked at the right time and the gamma ray burst was not far away, ”he said. The gamma ray explosion took place seven billion light years from Earth. Gamma ray bursts are very bright because they are a huge burst of energy. However, even so bright, astronomers have not been able to observe it directly. Astronomers could not directly observe the gamma ray burst either because the incident took place in a very distant galaxy or because an object entered between the gamma ray burst and the Earth.

Gamma-ray bursts were first captured by military satellites in the 1960s while observing nuclear weapons testing. However, a good observation could not be achieved. For years, scientists have tried to determine where these high-energy explosions come from. Gamma ray bursts outside the Milky Way Galaxy were also confirmed by scientists in the 1990s. Ku They’re very rare, Paul says Paul Kuin for gamma ray bursts. We see them too far away. But we can’t watch too much. Because in order to observe the gamma ray burst, you need a heavy star at the end of your life. ” What we know about gamma-ray bursts comes from experiments on Earth. Gamma-ray models show short- and long-term explosions that can last for a few seconds or a few minutes. This new observation of astronomers confirms the simulations carried out on Earth. You may also like.

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