Bringing professionals together, LinkedIn is known as a social networking platform that aims people in the business world to communicate with others and create a network for themselves. The platform, which was established with such an approach in the first place, started to look like other social media platforms day by day. The newest feature to be added to the platform confirms this. The Stories feature, which we know from Snapchat first and then spreads to WhatsApp and Instagram applications on Facebook and will come to LinkedIn now, allows users to share instant developments. These images, which are automatically deleted 24 hours after sharing, will process with a similar logic on LinkedIn. Following Facebook and Instagram, Stories feature comes to LinkedIn: At this point, LinkedIn users will be able to post their shared content for 24 hours, and then the shared post will be automatically deleted. When it comes to the requirement part of this feature, LinkedIn says that it will be easier to share important moments from business activities, and important news can be announced to people on the network more quickly. Although the stories feature does not seem to match the format of the platform, it can be seen that this feature is not so unnecessary considering the demography of LinkedIn users. As a matter of fact, many people can share the developments in their social life through other social media applications and only share important announcements about their business through the new feature of LinkedIn. The company is currently testing the Stories feature, which will be added to the platform recently, on a fairly small audience. If everything goes well and the new feature is approved, it will be activated for all users. However, let us state again that there is no clear instant historical information.

The  Stories  Feature On Instagram Will Come To LinkedIn - 28