Call of Duty Mobile is on the agenda with Rust map Call of Duty Mobile, which gained momentum in 2019 and surprised its rivals, was liked by many mobile players. It continues to update game maps that connect users with both game dynamics and innovations. The Rust map, which we know with Call of Duty Modern Warfare, will soon become playable for mobile players. Along with the Modern Warfare Season 2, the mobile version is expected to gain momentum thanks to the Rust map, which is liked by many players. Although the date is not specified in the statement made by the company’s official Twitter account, it is estimated that the new map will be published in a few weeks. The Call of Duty Mobile Steel Legion update includes a Gunfight-like system in Modern Warfare. It is also among the rumors that the zombie mode, which is liked by many users, will come again. It is also thought that the Battle Royale mode will outstrip the standard multiplayer mode.

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