Valve’s online game platform, Steam, has been an indispensable part of our life for years. Steam, which has millions of users, is a platform that is very transparent in terms of statistics and gamers can clearly examine which games are played more, the number of instant players and which operating system is preferred more. According to the instant data released by Steam, a new record has now been broken. The platform had the highest number of instant online players in its history on February 2 (yesterday). According to the announced data, yesterday, a total of 18.8 million users were online at the same time and were playing different games. A similar record was recorded on January 6, 2018, and at that time Steam hosted 18.5 million users simultaneously. Over time, the number of instant players on Steam can increase dramatically. The reason for these rises was generally new and curious games. For example, the biggest reason for the record that broke in 2018 was Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, also known as PUBG. It is not yet known what caused yesterday’s record for now, but the released data reveals that most of the popular games on Steam have received a lot of attention yesterday. Steam’s player graphic on February 2 According to technical critics, the main reason for the record breaking on Steam is China. If you remember, in a news we recently shared with you, we mentioned that Steam’s most popular language is now Chinese, not English. Also China and other countries are currently fighting the Corona virus. Especially the Chinese people have had to spend most of their time at home right now, and this seems to have directed Chinese gamers to Steam. There is another reason for the increase in the number of users on Steam. The platform is that it has recently begun to host popular games. In addition, Electronic Arts, one of the most important names in the game industry, decided to re-publish its games on Steam, which attracted the attention of a large audience.

Steam Sets A New Record With 18 8 Million Instant Players - 12