Although many people know the Warhammer universe from computer games, Warhammer 40,000 has entered our lives as a desktop miniature game with its own books and different publications. Over the long years that have passed, the Warhammer universe has been divided into two different branches: Space Marine and the tactical game Warhammer 40,000 with a wide variety of aliens, and Warhammer Fantasy with a medieval theme and magic. We see that Warhammer 40,000 universes are frequently renewed. In fact, the content of this game is constantly being renewed and the game’s commodity is changing. Army books that are published frequently in the game serve as minor updates. Apart from that, there are version changes that the game changes quite a lot. The game is now transitioning to the ninth version. Exciting promotional video from Games Workshop

Games Workshop has released a goosebumps for the new release. What I see in the video gives important messages to fans of the game. The first is that the chainsaw-like swords called chainsword are returning with Assault Intercessor. Also, the character with the skeleton shield we see in the trailer will be added to the game. In the new promotional film, we also see the Sisters of Battle, which consists of female characters. This army will probably play more important roles in the new period. The new version will also progress in line with Warhammer 40,000 novels. The Warhammer app is coming Games Workshop also announced that it will develop a complementary mobile application for Warhammer 40,000. Warhammer lovers have been making requests from the company for a long time to make an application that will follow the players’ armies and rules. Games Workshop will respond to this request. In Warhammer 40.000’s desktop miniature games, you must create your armies according to certain score limits. Every soldier in these armies and every upgrade you give them has a point value. In addition, there may be point limitations according to the groups of units. An application that will follow these will be very popular. What do you think about the new Warhammer 40.000? Are you interested in miniature games? Or are you interested in this universe only from computer screens?

New Version Of Warhammer 40 000 Coming Soon  Video  - 60