Telegram, Russia-based instant messaging application, which has more than 200 million monthly active users worldwide, came up with its new version. The platform, which is shown as one of the strongest alternatives to the market leader WhatsApp, seems to increase the competitive power with the features it gains. Telegram version 6.0, released for iOS, Android and PC, allows you to store conversations in groups and contacts in a new section called ‘folders’. The new version also comes with the ‘group statistics’ feature that allows channel managers with more than 1,000 subscribers to view multiple statistical data simultaneously. The update, which offers a new animated sticker package that focuses on the COVID-19 outbreak that has been in effect since December 2019, also allows you to pin as many conversations as you want to the top of the home page list. The new Telegram also allows you to collect various chats in one tab. Thus, you can have more than one view and information about a subject you are interested in. For example, you will be able to gather channels about sports, cinema or technology under one tab. In this sense, the innovation, which is very similar to the ‘List’ feature on Twitter, is one of the features that users will like the most in Telegram 6.0 version. In addition, you will see some new animations while recording voice and video messages. But let’s just say that this only applies to the Android version.You can download the latest version of Telegram from both the Google Play Store and the App Store.

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