Coronavirus is one of the most frequently heard words in recent months. The disease, which has become a pandemic, has affected almost the whole world. Many people are trying to stop this outbreak and find a cure. There are a lot of things we don’t know about coronavirus. In addition, we try to make predictions and move forward using what we know about the virus. Meanwhile, some artificial intelligence organizations are trying to facilitate the diagnosis of the disease. Diagnosis of audio by COVID-19 Currently, multiple organizations are working on artificial intelligence that can diagnose COVID-19 by listening to conversations. The first of these teams consists of scientists at Harvard and MIT. The purpose of the team is to identify the signs that are only evident in the voices of people with the disease, thus facilitating diagnosis. Another initiative is the work of This organization has a similar purpose with the other. For this reason, he collects speech and sound samples from patients and healthy people on a voluntary basis. A similar study is carried out in CyLab, which is affiliated with Carnegie Mellon University. The artificial intelligence developed by this team can also determine if people have been tested for COVID-19 using sound recordings. Although the lab states that their tests do not have a valid medical nature, the organization is asked to remove their online tests. Using artificial intelligence is not easy The CyLab team states that they understand why the university asked them to remove online tests, but this process offers very important opportunities to gather information about the disease. We need to collect more information to recognize the disease. Satrajit Ghosh, who served as a professor at MIT and Harvard, also underlined the importance of having more data in his earlier statement. According to Ghosh, more data needs to be collected to understand different symptoms and changes experienced by people affected by the virus. These studies are currently in their early stages, but if everything goes well, scientists can achieve great success.