Lili Reinhart is very hurt by the strong experience her pet lived . The actress has always shown her deep love for animals , whenever she has the opportunity to update her feed on social networks with photos together with her ´best friends´, taking them for walks, smiling and living together. These days of social isolation, Reinhart has been at home, taking time to do what she likes most, write poems and be relaxed in the company of Milo , her puppy . Lili turned to her stories of Instagram to talk to her fans through a video , explained the bitter pill by which is happening because Milo was attacked assaulted while doing a walk. With tears in her eyes and visibly sad, the young star related how the incident occurred : ‘I was taking her out today to do a little exercise, she was attacked by another dog and it was quite serious , so I had to take her to the animal hospital and now she is there to have surgery , the bite went very deep in the neck. ‘ She described this as an experience so horrible and added that communicate to her followers as she is going the process of recovery of the lovable Milo .