Laeticia Hallyday has just heard sad news! Indeed, the VIP Room has officially closed its doors… Jean-Roch, the owner of the VIP Room, a legendary club for Parisian nightlife, has just made a sad announcement! Indeed, the friend of Laeticia Hallyday announced that his club in Paris was going out of business! “For the past five years, we have suffered the full force of the consequences of the attacks, the demonstrations of“ yellow vests ”and now the Covid-19. Our job is not helped in Paris. The VIP Room will not reopen. It’s over. I put the business for sale. “Thus declared the principal concerned to the AFP. Statements that made Laeticia Hallyday very sad! Indeed, the mother was a regular at the VIP Room! Younger, she notably celebrated her 25th birthday with her loved ones! Thus, learning the news, the widow of the taulier wanted to say a few words to Jean Roch! LAETICIA HALLYDAY, VERY SAD AT THE CLOSING OF THE VIP ROOM The beautiful Laeticia Hallyday wanted to write to Jean-Roch to send her support! Indeed, the latter sent him a private message via his Instagram account! A message that the businessman has decided to make public himself! “I just watched all your stories, I didn’t know. It does something to me because even if we have not lived in Paris for several years, you, your benevolent team and this iconic club, it is the memory of this time of carefree, happiness, lightness, to let go! So wrote Laeticia! A magnificent message that must have warmed Jean-Roch’s heart! Especially since Johnny Hallyday was also a client of the club! Thus, Laeticia Hallyday concludes thus: “I saw my man so happy in this place to remake the world until the end of the night with his friends. ” “You can be proud to have given dreams and happiness. It’s immensely precious today. I know the path will not end there. We’ll follow you to the moon. Respect and admiration forever. I love you very much”

Laeticia Hallyday Is Bowled Over By Very Bad News  - 31