Kylie Jenner takes advantage of her fortune and free time to vacation in the most enviable paradises, shape her curves and spend quality tempo with her sister Kendall. However, the sexy photos she shared on her Instagram account did not receive as much praise as expected, as a detail diverted the attention of users and rained criticism. It all started with the appearance of her feet . Kylie posed like a whole model, but someone with an eagle view and with a lot of time to study the photo, realized that the toes of one of her feet looked not perfect.

Kylie true to her style shared the photo of her fingers, unfazed by criticism . She also posted a couple of videos where she explains why her foot looks like this. Apparently, the socialite suffered an accident and obtained a fracture, so the bone usually leaves its place and gives it that strange appearance. The young businesswoman does not feel intimidated by the criticism, not everything has to be perfect, although there are people who really pay attention to such details.

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