The American firm is really thinking about using other DC Comics characters. Of course, the movie The Joker is a sensation. So why not others? However, Warner Bros did not suspect that there would be so much enthusiasm. Blessed bread, which pushes the company to project even further. An undeniable success that even legitimizes the Oscars for The Joker. The US site We Got This Covered reports that Warner Bros is already working on other projects similar to The Joker. The WB teams are preparing the adaptation of Franck Miller’s novel, The Dark Knight Returns. A news that will surely delight fans of comics! THE JOKER: WARNER BROS JOINS ON OTHER PROJECTS! While it may be redundant, Warner Bros will be spicing things up. And especially surprise the viewers. After the movies The Dark Knight Rises and Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice; what does the firm prepare for us? Because fans are constantly asking for a third part of the saga. And especially that it is Tim Burton who realizes it. In this third installment, Batman performed by Michael Keaton would wash Gotham City bad guys. According to We Got This Covered Always, Warner Bros would also like to make a new Batman. An action movie that will have incredible graphics on the screen. A Batman Beyond that only Michael Keaton could endorse. The Dark Knight Returns is therefore likely to be in theaters soon. It’s a project totally apart from Warner Bros.’s other ideas. But it promises to be grandiose again. So we can not wait to find our favorite comic book characters. Hold on, we’ll take off!

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