Italy is preparing to move on to a new phase for the post-coronavirus outbreak period. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who has been in quarantine for some time, shared details of the roadmap in the plan in question. Conte stated that they plan to re-open the businesses operating in the manufacturing and construction sector on May 4, and announced that businesses such as restaurants where people gather together will remain closed for a while. Conte stated that they are considering opening some strategic businesses for export this week and that it is important in the production chain that export firms start operating early. Touching on the situation of the schools in the country, Conte noted that the schools will remain closed until September: “Our priority is to start operating the manufacturing and construction sector, which is an important part of the economy, from May 4th.” Italian Prime Minister Conte said they would start opening some sectors in the second phase: Italian Prime Minister Conte also said that they will not be able to extend quarantine and curfews further, “serious damage to the country’s socio-economic fabric.” He spoke in the form. Conte added that companies that will start operating again will undergo strict audits. The coronavirus epidemic that emerged from the city of Wuhan in China and caused more than 205 thousand deaths throughout the world caused a disaster in Italy on the European continent. Italy comes first on the continent, with more than 26,000 deaths recorded. The latest data on the country were also announced. 260 people have lost their lives in Italy in the last 24 hours: According to the data released by the Italian Civil Defense Agency, as a result of the detection of 2,324 new cases in the country, the total number of cases was 197 thousand 675. It was stated that the number of those who improved was 64 thousand 928, while the number of those who were critical was announced as 2 thousand 9. The agency reported that 260 more people have died in the past 24 hours in Italy, and the number of casualties rose to 26,644.

Italy To Pass Second Stage On May 4 For The Post Coronary Period - 51