Apple, one of the giants of the smartphone world, manages to achieve quite good sales figures, despite having released fewer models in a year compared to its biggest rival, Samsung. The models of the company that have been successful in recent years have been the iPhone XR and iPhone 11. The common point of these two devices is that they are the cheapest models of the series they have released together. Even looking at the sales figures, these two models managed to be sold more than their more expensive variants. This cruise continues in a similar way to Apple’s new model. iPhone SE is very successful in sales figures Seeing the success of the cheap variants above, Apple’s new ‘budget-friendly’ model iPhone SE did not come as a surprise. According to the US Apple Store statement, iPhone SE’s sending time started to shorten. This means that many consumers pre-order the device. It is not possible to say that the shortening of the iPhone SE delivery time is valid all over the world. In some countries, 24 April is still seen as a delivery day. In addition, it is not possible for us to know exactly whether the delivery date was brought forward or the limited number of production among customers. So what do you think about selling more budget-friendly variants than Apple’s budget-friendly phone and flagships? You can share your ideas with us in the comments section.

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