AMD, which supports PCIe 4.0 on 3rd generation Ryzen processors and X570 motherboards, has acted earlier than its competitor. 11th generation Intel processors come with PCIe 4.0 support Rocket Lake Intel processors, which are expected to arrive at the end of 2020, will come with PCIe 4.0 support. However, due to the coronavirus outbreak, the hardware world had to undergo many changes. While product launches were delayed, stock and production problems also emerged. Therefore, delays may occur in the products to be introduced in 2020. According to the experts’ estimate, hardware production may increase again in the last quarter of this year if the virus outbreak results at best. The 500 series motherboards, which will come with Rocket Lake processors, will bring many different features. PCIe 4.0 support is one of them. Another innovation that 11th generation processors will bring is the new processor core architecture. Processors, which are said to come with a completely different architecture, are likely to use Tiger Lake architecture, though to a small extent. Thanks to the 20 lane PCI Express 4.0 connection, x16 lane connectivity will be provided for the GPU and x4 lane for the NVME driver. Thus, both the primary video card and NVME storage space will be connected directly to the processor, not PCH (Platform Control Center). Also, DMI (Direct Media Interface) will be upgraded to x8 link. DMI, which connects the north and south bridge in the processor, will allow transfer speed of approximately 8 GB / s with the x8 connection. Intel Xe internal graphics unit will be used with the new processors. Thus, HDMI 2.0b and Display Port 1.4a support will be offered. In addition, Thunderbolt 4.0 support will be offered to users with new processors. What do you think about the new Intel processors? If you were to buy a processor, which brand would you prefer?