Instagram, one of the companies that had a very active year in 2019, tested many different features throughout the year and removed some of its features from the platform. At the beginning of these changes made in the platform, we can say that the removal of the follow tab. The removal of this feature was appreciated by some people and criticized by others. On the other hand, another feature that the company tested in 2019 was the concealment of the number of tastes. This change, which has not yet been officially processed, included the inability to see the number of likes received on someone else’s photos. The fact that the company had a very active year with all these changes brought the question of “What will happen in 2020? Kullanıc. The CEO of Instagram announced the company’s priorities in 2020: Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, launched a Q & A event with his followers in the stories he shared yesterday. Mosseri answered many different kinds of questions within the scope of this event and did not neglect to mention the company’s priorities in 2020. Oss What is the biggest problem the company is facing now? M, Mosseri said, kullanıcı Our biggest responsibility is the well-being of people using Instagram. Our biggest challenge is competition ”. Kullanıcı What was the main goal of Instagram? Gelen, Mosseri said, uştur Meeting you with people and things you love. Dan However, the CEO also answered a question about concealing the likes of the most discussed Instagram changes of 2019, and said they are still working on it. Perhaps the most striking of the questions was “Instagram’’s priorities in 2020”. Mosseri stated that they have not yet given their final form for this, but many are in good condition; He said that US elections, secrecy, Stories and messaging continue to grow and are working on new changes. In 2019, Instagram stated that they will do more to protect the mental health of the users. It seems that the company will continue to work in this direction in 2020. You may also like.

Instagram CEO Announces Instagram s Biggest Problem - 28