Stellar maternity The pink cloud containing bright spots you saw above was captured in the vicinity of the Tarantula Nebula and consists of a kind of maternity full of giant baby stars. The region is known by the acronym LHA 120-N 150 and, in addition to bringing together very young stars, it houses large amounts of gas and cosmic dust – which are some of the necessary ingredients for star formation. Observing clouds like these helps scientists study and better understand how massive stars form. Theoretical models, for example, suggest that the creation of these stars should occur in star clusters, but the observations, on the other hand, point out that a significant portion (about 10% of the total) is also formed in isolation, and astronomers they are trying to find out exactly how this process goes. In the case of the baby stars detected on LHA 120-N 150, they appear to have been “born” in isolation – and researchers from the 2 space agencies are trying to find out if that was the case or if they emerged in a cluster and migrated to the cloud. . For that, the scientists intend to identify similarities between the stars and the clusters of cosmic material to confirm (or discard) the theory. Evidently, if we could look at the sky and see this cosmic motherhood, we would not see it in the same shades as the photo. The coloring is a result of the processing of observations made by Hubble and the project is maintained in partnership between NASA and the European Space Agency – ESA. But the image released, although it brightens our eyes, also involves a lot of Science.

title: “Hubble Captures Beautiful Image Of Stellar Maternity” ShowToc: true date: “2023-02-27” author: “Frank Royster”
Stellar maternity The pink cloud containing bright spots you saw above was captured in the vicinity of the Tarantula Nebula and consists of a kind of maternity full of giant baby stars. The region is known by the acronym LHA 120-N 150 and, in addition to bringing together very young stars, it houses large amounts of gas and cosmic dust – which are some of the necessary ingredients for star formation. Observing clouds like these helps scientists study and better understand how massive stars form. Theoretical models, for example, suggest that the creation of these stars should occur in star clusters, but the observations, on the other hand, point out that a significant portion (about 10% of the total) is also formed in isolation, and astronomers they are trying to find out exactly how this process goes. In the case of the baby stars detected on LHA 120-N 150, they appear to have been “born” in isolation – and researchers from the 2 space agencies are trying to find out if that was the case or if they emerged in a cluster and migrated to the cloud. . For that, the scientists intend to identify similarities between the stars and the clusters of cosmic material to confirm (or discard) the theory. Evidently, if we could look at the sky and see this cosmic motherhood, we would not see it in the same shades as the photo. The coloring is a result of the processing of observations made by Hubble and the project is maintained in partnership between NASA and the European Space Agency – ESA. But the image released, although it brightens our eyes, also involves a lot of Science.