How to know if you have Coronavirus ? The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released information to distinguish the new coronavirus from the common cold through symptoms. Using a graph, the CDC sought to explain in a simple way how to distinguish the symptoms of each disease.

Something that keeps many confused is the fact that the symptoms of the common cold, flu, allergies and Coronavirus are similar, which is why it is necessary to disseminate this information. The first thing to identify is if the person has a fever, if they have and experience shortness of breath, they should go to their doctor if they suspect Coronavirus; Other accompanying symptoms are cough, fatigue, and weakness. What could distinguish the virus from a common cold or allergy could be having irritated eyes, sneezing, or runny nose. Some countries are taking serious preventive measures to prevent the spread of the new Coronavirus; some have closed their borders, suspended classes, work at home, among other measures. In Mexico it has been announced that school vacations will be brought forward to avoid contagion on school sites.

DO THE FIVE 1️⃣ HANDS: Wash them often2️⃣ ELBOW: Cough into it 3️⃣ FACE: Don’t touch it 4️⃣ FEET: Stay more than 3ft (1m) apart5️⃣ FEEL: Sick? Stay home General public health information — Google (@Google) March 14, 2020

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