With its cloud-based game platform Stadia, Google provided gamers with an unprecedented gaming experience. After taking the support of the players, the company aims to increase the number of games in Stadia. In this context, the newest game added to Stadia has been the survival game PUBG, which has swept PC, console and mobile platforms since its release. In addition to PUBG, which is offered free of charge to Stadia Pro members and supports cross platform with players on consoles, games to be added to Stadia in the coming periods have also surfaced. Many giant budget games will be added to Google Stadia in the coming days: Having recently collaborated with Electronic Arts, Google has confirmed that we will see major games in Stadia later this year with this new partnership. As part of this partnership, it will be possible to play the next game of the FIFA 21 and Madden series over Stadia in the coming days. If you think all these games are not enough, we can say that other popular games such as Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, Cyberpunk 2077, Zombie Army 4 and Octopath Traveler will take place in Stadia before the end of 2020. We really wonder how these new games added to Google Stadia will affect the number of users of the platform. The $ 129 package of Google Stadia, which is not yet available in our country, is now open to free access for users in countries where Stadia is active. In addition, the company also raised Stadia Pro membership fees for more services for 2 months. For more information on this subject, you can browse our article here, you can continue to follow our site to get more content like this.

Google Announces PUBG Added To Stadia Platform - 89