The Game of Thrones series ended last year, marking the history of the series. As the drama ended, HBO, GAEA and Behavior Interactive announced that they would release a mobile game called Game of Thrones Beyond the Wall. The announcement of the game made Game of Thrones fans think that the game will be released immediately after the final. It was even thought that the game would be released to keep the interest in the show alive for a while. However, the release of the game took much longer than expected. Game of Thrones Beyond the Wall was available for pre-order for iOS last September. However, after a while, the game was withdrawn from the App Store. Now the game’s developers have announced that Game of Thrones Beyond the Wall will be released on March 26. However, on March 26, the mobile game will only be available to iOS users. For Android users, the game will be released on April 3. Game of Thrones Beyond the Wall is available for pre-order for Android and iOS. The developers of the game announced that in-game rewards will be given to those who pre-register the game. When Game of Thrones Beyond the Wall was pre-ordered in September, 1 million people were registered. Now it is thought that many more people will apply for pre-order. Behavior Interactive has also released the trailer of Game of Thrones Beyond the Wall. More information about the game and information about the gifts to be provided to the pre-registered users can be found on the game website. Android users who want to pre-register for Game of Thrones Beyond the Wall can sign up here and iOS users can sign up here. Game of Thrones Beyond the Wall will be released on iOS 26 March and Android on April 3. The trailer of Game of Thrones Beyond the Wall:

Game Of Thrones s New Mobile Game Release Date Announced - 10