With Android 10 delivering system-wide dark mode, the transition of third-party applications to dark mode has accelerated. Facebook will have a new dark mode is already known for a while. However, no concrete steps have been taken so far. Screenshots shared online today change the situation completely. Android Police website, Facebook’s Android application announced that the dark mode appears. In a report that appeared in Reddit, Facebook was talking about the dark mode. Now, two users on Twitter shared an image from Facebook’s dark mode. Facebook’s dark mode tweette about, Facebook’s dark mode was not specified in what extent the test. Facebook is known to have been working on dark mode for months. But the social media giant is implementing a long testing process in dark mode before presenting it to users as it does for WhatsApp. Seeing that the feature has been tested for some users may indicate that Facebook’s dark mode doesn’t have much time to run.

Facebook Android App Dark Mode Screenshots Shared - 19