The ‘Doomsday Time’ is known for being the first symbolic watch set by Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists magazine at the University of Chicago in 1947. This clock, which is a symbol that uses the analogy of humanity, is used to predict the end of the world by the human hand by looking at the developments in the world. At this point, how close we are to “destroying ourselves” is measured by the close of the clock to midnight. The clock, which was set at 23.55 in 2012, started to show 23.57.30 by advancing two minutes in 2015 and half a minute in 2017. Finally, the clock, which was fixed at 2 minutes in the middle of the night in 2019, showed that humanity entered a two-minute warning area. It has never been close to midnight since 1953: The watch, updated since 1947, was the primary threat to humanity when used for the first time that year, nuclear weapons. In 2019, nuclear weapons increased further and climate conditions continued to deteriorate. The decisions made by global leaders, who have a global impact, have not only made the world a worse place, but have made dangerous situations worse. The world, which is getting worse and worse than scientists, has never been closer to the apocalypse since 1953. In 1953, both USA and Russia tested the hydrogen bombs mutually and the clock was advanced and it was determined that it remained two minutes to midnight. The farthest date to midnight was 1991 with 17 minutes: The watch, which has changed 23 times since its establishment, approached the apocalypse most in 1953 and 2020. The year when the clock is the most distant from midnight is known as 1991 with 17 minutes. At the moment, the main reasons why the clock, which is only 100 seconds from midnight, has progressed so much; It is said that the negotiations on the deteriorating relations between the USA and Russia and the reduction of nuclear weapons between the USA and North Korea are abandoned. On the other hand, the events that flare up between Iran and the USA in the Middle East also play an important role in the advancement of the clock. As you may remember, Iran had threatened to withdraw from the nuclear deal after the US killed Iran’s military leader Kasım Süleymani on January 3. Along with this, the changes in climate, the use of artificial intelligence in the chain of military control and command are among the main factors that move the clock. The Apocalyptic Clock, which is only 100 seconds long before midnight, is now more advanced than ever before in history. It is wondering what the next change of the clock will be and what will happen if it shows 00.00 one day. Of course, it should not be forgotten that this is a symbolic watch.

Doomsday Time Comes So Close To The First Time Since 1953 - 94