Facebook’s messaging app, WhatsApp, has gone dark for the test version (beta) for Android. So the dark mode on WhatsApp showed itself for the first time. Dark beta, which is not yet available to iPhone (iOS) users, is currently available to Android Beta users. The code for the version where the dark mode comes is 2.20.13. Android users can join the Beta program by going to the WhatsApp app page in the Google Play Store. However, due to the fact that WhatsApp is a popular application and the dark mode is coming, the beta program is currently full. In other words, the application is no longer buying into the beta process because it has enough testers. However, we did not want to deprive you of this feature and we found a reliable link for the APK file. How to use WhatsApp dark mode? (Android) Download and install WhatsApp Beta, Open the WhatsApp app, Login to your account, Tap the three dots in the upper right corner, Open the settings menu, Touch the Theme option under the display title, Select the Dark theme in the window that opens. If you do not see the Theme option in the Settings menu in the above processes, it means that you have not received the relevant update yet. To do this, go to the WhatsApp page in the Google Play Store, scroll down and look at the Beta title under the rating section with 5 stars and check if you are a tester. If you are not a WhatsApp Beta user, you can download the APK version below. Important note: Using WhatsApp Beta app via APK can cause some problems in the app because you are not an official Beta user. The beta version is the version in which the features of the application in the testing phase are tested by the masses. Therefore, backup your WhatsApp messages before downloading and installing them. How to use WhatsApp dark mode? (iPhone – iOS) WhatsApp dark mode is not yet available for iPhone users, the iOS operating system. Dark mode is currently not available in both iOS beta and final version. However, the fact that it came to Android shows that an important update for iOS is at the door. Important information about WhatsApp dark mode: Actually, WhatsApp dark mode, which comes as a dark theme option, is quite different from other dark mods that have been common until today. For example, in applications such as Instagram, Google Play Store, Gmail, dark mode turns on settings embedded in the operating system. WhatsApp offers a dark theme option regardless of the application and operating system. With the final version, WhatsApp users can get a dark mode integrated with the operating system that has both AMOLED display compatibility. It is understandable that the WhatsApp team offers dark mode as a theme option. Because a significant part of the devices where WhatsApp is installed are devices with medium or low performance. These devices have Android 9.0 and earlier versions, which do not have the dark mode option.

Dark Mode Arrives On WhatsApp  How To Use   Android   Beta  - 64