The coronavirus continues to spread to new people every day. According to the official figures announced by the countries, there are infected people approaching 1 million. In total, 981,221 people had positive coronavirus tests. The COVID-19 epidemic, which has recently moved its central point to the USA, has just crossed a new psychological limit. According to the latest information published, the number of lives taken by the coronavirus worldwide was 50,230. The number of deaths exceeding the 50 thousand limit takes a lot of lives, especially in the USA, Italy and Spain. The ever-increasing deaths in our country reveal that the virus has increased its severity. More than 1000 people died in one day in the USA In the statement made by the USA today, 1047 people have died in the last 24 hours due to the coronavirus epidemic. The total number of deaths reaching 5,137 people creates a great fear throughout the country, especially New York. Although the USA has increased its acceleration in the coronavirus epidemic, Italy and Spain are still losing more deaths than other countries. While 13,915 people have lost their lives in Italy due to coronavirus so far, the number of deaths in Spain, which grew up in Italy at a great speed, increased to 10,003.

Coronavirus Crosses A New Psychological Limit In Death Number - 44