Google has combined machine learning and quantum computing initiatives under the TensorFlow Quantum library. The machine learning framework is able to create quantum datasets, prototype hybrid quantum and classic machine learning models, while also capable of supporting quantum circuit simulators and developing distinctive and productive models. According to the information on the Google AI blog, TensorFlow Quantum manages to create quantum models with standard Keras functions and to provide quantum circuit simulators and quantum computing basics compatible with existing TensorFlow APIs. It is expected to open new horizons: The publication of TensorFlow Quantum; It is noteworthy that Microsoft’s release of Azure Quantum and news that Honeywell will be ready for a quantum computer of at least 64 quantum volumes will be available within the next three months. According to the summary of the article added to arXiv, behind the project are X’s X unit, Quantum Computing Institute at Waterloo University, NASA Quantum AI Lab, Volkswagen and Google Research. The article summary states that TensorFlow Quantum hopes to provide the quantum computing and machine learning communities with the tools they need to discover models of natural and artificial quantum systems. TensorFlow Quantum is thought to help discover new quantum algorithms that could potentially create quantum advantages. TensorFlow Quantum combines the open source quantum circuit library Cirq and the machine learning platform TensorFlow. TensorFlow Quantum’s ability to simulate attributes is expected to enable developments in areas such as life sciences, decryption, chemical or material development and optimization. The US-based Honeywell company, which has been operating in many sectors such as space / aviation, chemistry and retail, has announced that it will release the most powerful quantum computer ever. The company has also announced that it has partnered with quantum computing services Microsoft Azure Quantum. Honeywell claimed to have managed to reach at least 64 quantum volumes. When we think that IBM sees only 32 quantum volumes on its quantum computers, this value gets much greater meaning. Honeywell’s quantum computer uses a technology called ion traps. In this way, Honeywell, which keeps the charged atoms overlapping, says that he can pause the quantum computation and restart it in a different way depending on the results.

Common Library Step For Quantum Computing And Machine Learning From Google - 19