Experts said that with the rapid spread of the coronavirus, the best way to protect against the virus is cleaning. Professor at Bursa Uludağ University. Dr. Mustafa Tayar talked about the wrongs known about the chemicals used in cleaning at home. Professor Dr. Tayar warned that 1 cup of bleach in a bucket of water would be sufficient and should not be mixed with any other substance. Clinical Psychologist Filiz Yakmaz Basarangan stated that fear of coronavirus pushes people to excessive cleansing. Read Bleach Instructions For Use Professor Dr. Mustafa Tayar stated that we should pay attention to the cleaning and disinfection applied in the houses and said, “There is currently an effective disinfectant in the world in the fight against coronavirus. A cheap and immediate item is bleach. When using bleach, I recommend firstly being a label literate. It writes on the labels on the bleach, on what labels it contains. Another issue is what we should pay attention to. The ideal use of bleach is to use it within 3 months of manufacture. First of all, we need to read the label of the bleach we have. ” Apply Bleach Cold Stating that bleach will not be used while disinfecting foodstuffs. Dr. Tayar said, “The dishes are not washed with bleach. It is a disinfectant applied on hard surfaces such as floor, hard surfaces, door handles that frequently touch our hands, electric buttons, stair handrails, elevator where the bleach will be used. Unlike other chemicals, bleach must be applied cold. Using it in hot water will make disinfection effect difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the surfaces before applying disinfectant, to be applied cold, to hard surfaces. Impurities on the surface, organic materials, are applications that will reduce the effectiveness of disinfection. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the rough dirt of the surface we will disinfect first. ” Bleach And Salt Spirit May Cause Death Stating that the bleach should be kept on the surface for at least 10 minutes, Tayar said, “It takes 10-15 minutes to kill the virus. The ventilation of the environment is also very important. The environment should be ventilated and the person who is cleaning should move away. Pets and young children should not be allowed to enter this environment. Bleach loves loneliness. He doesn’t want anything with him. So when you put a spirit of salt next to you to be more effective, the resulting gas can trigger allergic reactions. If there are chronic lung diseases, it will trigger them. These gases can take a person to death. Especially these days, we all use large amounts of bleach in Turkey, and in the meantime is trying to do the cleaning disinfection, washing water per one, let’s use without exaggeration, “he said. Coronavirus May Cause Obsessivity Clinical Psychologist Filiz Yakmaz Basarangan stated that the measures taken due to coronavirus are taken by people with obsessive compulsive disorder all year round, “People with obsessive compulsive disorder worry that there are potentially deadly threats everywhere. Comprehensive handwashing and other safety measures for the person with this disease are almost always absolutely necessary and essential. This epidemic is different from SARS or H1N1 and includes large-scale quarantines as common occupational safety measures and common public safety measures, and the instructions of the World Health Organization or countries’ health systems certainly address much wider areas of the population and for a longer period of time. . When the coronavirus ends, some people may have permanent fears of contamination and possibly even develop obsessive compulsive disorder. However, for the majority of the public, our fear of contamination will become a memory rather than a permanent part of our lives. “

Chemicals We Use For Coronavirus Cleaning Can Cause Death - 48