Debby Ryan, who was her babysitter on the series “Jessie,” recently surprised the world with her wedding photos alongside Josh Dun, drummer for Twenty One Pilots. The ceremony was held in late 2019, the actress confessed that she advanced her plans due to the absence of Cameron. According to an interview for Vogue magazine, Debby explained that when Cameron passed away, his life outlook totally changed, he also shared that he was excited for her to marry her partner. Debby organized an express wedding, since it did not take more than a month, the actress confessed that she did it that way because she realized that sadly no one is assured tomorrow and that suddenly waiting no longer made sense, because it did not have to be the right time to do it. Apparently, her desire to be happy was inspired by Cameron. The two shared a great friendship during the filming of Jessie. Some fans were touched by Debby’s story, as he was no longer able to accompany them in that important moment, although she believed that she would always be there to share the future together.

A post shared by Debby Ryan (@debbyryan) on Jul 10, 2019 at 5:44pm PDT

Cameron Boyce Changed Debby Ryan s Life - 47