Activision, one of the important names in the game industry, has been on the agenda of gamers for a long time. While the company managed to stay on the agenda with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which it released months ago, it has now managed to impress gamers with a new and free game. Call of Duty: Warzone, the company’s new survival game, has finally been released to players. Call of Duty: Warzone is a free game with two different release dates. If you bought Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in the past, you can get Call of Duty: Warzone since last night or if you haven’t. So what do you need to do to have this game? If you wish, let’s move on to the answer to this question. If you have Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, you don’t have to do anything If you have purchased Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in the past, you don’t need to do anything to have Activision’s new survival game. With the help of an update to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, you get free access to Call of Duty: Warzone. Activision announced that the gamers who made the last update will make a new download in sizes ranging from 18 to 22 GB. If you don’t have Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, you have to wait a while If you have not received Call of Duty: Modern Warfare before, you can access Call of Duty: Warzone for free by accessing the store of the platform you are using. If you want to play this game on PlayStation, you can access if you want to play on PlayStation Store, Xbox Store or if you want to play on computer. According to the statements made by Activision, gamers who do not have Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will make a big download between 83 and 101 GB. This large size shows that downloading can take tens of hours. However, the developer team has thought of something so that gamers will not get bored. If you get bored while downloading Call of Duty: Warzone, you can play the demo of Call of Duty: Modern Warfere. The first 20 GB of Call of Duty: Warzone, with a minimum size of 83 GB, includes the “Gunfight” mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare that you can play offline. This mode, which you can only play with bots, becomes accessible while continuing the download. So you’re not bored while waiting for Call of Duty: Warzone to land.

Call Of Duty  Warzone Offered Free  How To Download  - 88