The trajectory of Call of Duty: Warzone is similar to that of another Battle Royale game in trios that was also released by surprise: Apex Legends. Within a month, the Electronic Arts game already had a base of 50 million users and, in total, reached more than 70 million competitors in its first year. Call of Duty: Warzone seems to go down the same path of success and may even surpass the marks hit by Apex Legends. The number of players may also have received a boost due to the quarantine period due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus. Recently, Call of Duty: Warzone received a new “Battle Royale Solos” mode that brings the tension of Battle Royale games with the player alone on the map, as in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. Activision also commented that the company is already undergoing internal testing to increase the total number of players in the game, from 150 to 200.

Call Of Duty  Warzone Hits The Mark Of 30 Million Players In 10 Days - 47