The Call of Duty Mobile game offers 3 modes called Zombies, Multiplayer and Blackout. Although the Zombies mode offers a nice experience, producer company Activision said the game mode could not reach the required quality standards. The game currently features Zombies, but Activision will remove this mode on March 25. Activision made a statement in the original Reddit account. “The most asked thing about this update is about what happens to the Zombies mode. Today, after a comprehensive evaluation, we decided to remove the Zombies mode on March 25,” the statement said, and the statement continued as follows: “We have always stated that this mod is limited, but we did not explain the end date. We wanted to see how this mod would be met, how to get feedback, and how to shape this mod for the future. But the mod did not reach the level we wanted. The second map Nacht Der Untoten will not be included in the global version. If we decide that the mod has reached sufficient quality, we can bring it back with Nacht Der Untoten, but our current priority is to develop modes like Multiplayer, Battle Royale and Ranked. ” Activision has recently requested access to a Reddit user’s information. Activison, who requests the information of the user who shares more unexplained information about Call of Duty from Reddit, is disturbed by this constantly leaking information. You can reach our news related to this subject via the related news above.

Call Of Duty Mobile Zombies Mod Departs On March 25 - 93