The chains are false and the malicious links are intended to steal users’ personal and financial data or direct them to pages with excessive advertising, according to Emilio Simoni, director of the dfndr lab, a laboratory specializing in digital security at PSafe. Nestlé published a note stating that the promotion is false. According to Simoni, festive dates like Easter are often used by cybercriminals to make victims. “They use easy mechanics that ask victims to answer some simple questions like ‘what type of chocolate do you prefer’ and ‘have you bought it in our stores in the last 3 months’, and finally ask for the sharing of the malicious link with at least 15 contacts WhatsApp to guarantee receipt of the award “, explains the director of the dfndr lab. How to protect yourself? It is important to follow some safety recommendations so as not to fall into scams circulating on WhatsApp. First of all, check if the page of the alleged promotion really belongs to the brand. Avoid clicking on links shared on social networks and only enter personal data if you are sure that the site is secure. Finally, it is always valid to keep antivirus software installed on your phone, be it Android or iPhone (iOS).

Cacau Show Donates Easter Egg  Coup Reaches More Than 560 Thousand On WhatsApp - 76