Last week, George Floyd’s death following a violent police arrest sparked outrage in the United States . An indignation which did not stop growing as the days went by and finally reached its climax last weekend as millions of demonstrators took to the streets of New York, Los Angeles or Minneapolis – the place of the drama – to express their fed-up and their support for the racism suffered by African-Americans . But if most of the marches are done in a peaceful manner, some small groups seize this opportunity to vandalize the stores and transform these rallies into clashes against the police. Far from widespread chaos -many videos of braces between demonstrators and officers or kneeling police appear on social networks – but nevertheless taken up by many American media. Far from easing the tension, Donald Trump broke away from a speech in which he threatened to call on the army if the processions did not disperse quickly . Also, to support this critical situation, many sports and song personalities such as Michael Jordan, Lebron James and Rihanna posted a photo of a black square on their Instagram account with the hashtag #BlackOutTuesday ( already more than a million and a half post). A movement first launched by the American music industry which also wanted to show its indignation at the treatment of George Floyd but which has become widespread worldwide and in many fields. So with us, the day after several static rallies organized in Paris in front of the American embassy as well as in Bordeaux paying homage to George Floyd but also to Adama Traoré, profiles like those of singer Hollysiz or actress Géraldine Nakache displayed the famous black square. Recall that a few days ago, the artist Camelia Jordana was jostled on Twitter following her statements on police violence …

BlackOutTuesday  A Global Movement To Support Anti racism Protests Somag News - 32