The new type of coronavirus, which spreads in a short time and affects the whole world, continues to adversely affect many areas of life from social life to the economy. While carefully monitoring the vaccination studies that can resist all humanity and disease, a vaccine that provides complete protection against the virus has not been developed yet. While scientists around the world are struggling with coronavirus, Bill Gates, the founder of software giant Microsoft, made remarkable statements on the subject. Gates said that the world will not be able to return to normal for a long time even if the COVID-19 outbreak has been under control in the past days, and that a potential vaccine will be ready for 9 months at best. Thanks to the promising initiatives, the period may decrease up to 9 months: The famous billionaire, who published an article titled “What You Need to Know About COVID-19 Vaccine” on his blog, said that we need a treatment that is at least 95% effective to stop the epidemic, and this will not happen in the short term. According to Gates, who envisages at least an 18-month process for the potential vaccine, there are now 8 to 10 promising companies working on the vaccine. At this point, Gates estimates that the development time of the vaccine may decrease up to 9 months thanks to these high-demand initiatives, although he refrains from giving an exact date. When we look at previous outbreaks, the fastest vaccine development period stands out as 5 years. As you can imagine, our world doesn’t have time to wait this long right now. For this reason, Gates and other companies working on the vaccine want governments and authorities to speed up the testing and approval period for the vaccine. We need at least 7 billion vaccines: Another striking point in Gates’ blog post was the potential for the vaccine to be presented to all of humanity. At this point, the billionaire name who says we need 7 billion vaccines at best, says that if the vaccine is a double dose, this number will double. Even if the vaccine is developed in such a case, many questions arise in which countries it will be applied in the first place, who will benefit from the vaccine, how the procedure will work. We will only be able to see the answers to these questions in the coming days.

Bill Gates Announces First Coronavirus Vaccine May Be Ready For 9 Months - 57