Apple informed its employees, through a memo, that it would make donations to various organizations, such as the non-profit Equal Justice Iniatiative. In addition, CEO Tim Cook has pledged to double the donations his own employees make to these entities during the month of June. Facebook has also pledged $ 10 million in financial aid and is working with consultants to find the best recipients for these donations. Mark Zuckerberg also thanked Darnella Frazier, the person responsible for filming and publicizing the action of white police officer Derek Chauvin, currently in prison on charges of murder. The teenager has dealt with the trauma of having seen the murder from less than 2 meters away and with accusations that she released the video just to promote herself. Another $ 10 million donation will be made by Verizon, according to CEO Hans Vestberg. Among the recipients are the National Association for the Progress of People of Color (NAACP) and the National Urban League. NAACP is one of the oldest black rights organizations in the USA, having been founded in 1909 – it will also receive part of the $ 1 million promised by Intel. This is the same amount promised by YouTube, last Saturday, for entities in favor of racial equality.

Apple And Facebook Donate Resources To Battle Racism - 19