PUBG Mobile has announced a new game mode called ‘Cold Front Survival’ from its social media accounts. Cold Front Survival is expected to be a new mode where players will struggle to survive on a snowy map. PUBG Mobile’s official social media accounts announced that the winter-themed Cold Front Survival will arrive on April 16 and has released several promotional images. The new mode seems to take players to an area dominated by freezing cold. Cold Front Survival can take place in a snowy version of Erangel or on the Vikendi map. PUBG Mobile’s new game mode: Cold Front Survival Interestingly, a promotional image shared on PUBG Mobile’s Instagram account shows the future of drones with the Cold Front Survival mode. Drone use may have been inspired by PUBG Mobile’s competitor Call of Duty: Mobile. In Call of Duty: Mobile, drones are used to locate enemies. A similar mechanic can be used to locate enemies in Cold Front Survival mode, where snow and its type are effective. In addition, PUBG Mobile’s official India Instagram account introduced a new item to be featured in Cold Front Survival. There is no clue what the new item might be in the image. But followers think the new item may be a heat pack. The heat pack can keep players alive by maintaining their body temperature in extreme cold. PUBG Mobile’s new mode, Cold Front Survival, will be released on April 16 and we will soon learn more about the new mode.

A New Winter Themed Game Mode Comes To PUBG Mobile - 87