However, despite this bad experience, A $ AP will organize well in concert in Sweden. Indeed, he will return on December 11 for a date in Stockholm … To the delight of his Swedish fans! A$AP ROCKY IN CONCERT IN SWEDEN A$AP had a traumatic experience last summer. As he was walking the streets of Sweden … A fight breaks out between him and a 19-year-old fan. Soon, the police stop A $ AP and his bodyguards. 5 weeks in pre-trial detention then follow. Indeed, A $ AP Rocky will be held in inhumane conditions … until the date of his judgment. The artist is finally sentenced to a suspended sentence and 1200 euros fine. A trifling compared to what the man has just suffered … Yet A$AP Rocky has just proved that he was not resentful for a penny. On a world tour, the latter did not want to omit Sweden. Indeed, despite his bad experience, the artist will be in Stockholm on December 11, 2019. Moreover, the rapper goes even further! Indeed, the profits of the show will be donated to an association that fights for refugee law. The fans of A$AP Rocky, meanwhile, are thrilled! Indeed, many have expressed their joy on Twitter. “Wow! It’s great ! I will be at the concert! So glad you’re in Sweden! Your audience is going to be forgiven! Look forward to being in December … The show will be epic. It will reconcile you with Sweden … That’s for sure! Can we read. You may also like.

A AP Rocky  Despite His Imprisonment  He Will Be Back In Sweden Soon  - 68