Increasing studies on Mars have accelerated what we know about the red planet, and new mysteries emerge every minute. Scientists touching on the difference between the northern and southern hemispheres of Mars have published two new photographs of the red planet. The European Space Agency (ESA) captured this stunning image of Mars with a spacecraft called Mars Express, which is now orbiting the planet. This photographic section was the most striking detail of the visuals of frozen ice and different types of rocks while viewing Mars from the north to the south pole. It is remarkable that the northern and southern hemispheres of the planet have very different geographical structures. In the northern hemisphere, the plains usually take place, while in the southern hemisphere, a more mountainous structure emerges.

One of Mars’s mysteries: The Dilemma of Mars

Scientists are still unable to provide a clear explanation as to why the structures of the hemispheres are so different. Scientists who call this distinction the “Mars dilemma” say it is one of the greatest mysteries about the planet. Mars Express is not the only ESA tool that displays the red planet. Another spacecraft, the ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), which reaches the planet in 2016 and measures different factors such as the methane level in the atmosphere, is accompanying Mars Express.

Interesting north polar region of Mars

TGO also recently used a surface imaging system (CaSSIS) camera to capture a beautiful and unusual view of Mars’ northern arctic region. The ice in the polar regions appears to be covered with a thin layer of carbon dioxide that forms finely carved sand dunes. In the spring months, it evaporates by sublimation, that is, from the solid state directly to the gas state. ESA plans to send another vehicle to Mars next year. The ExoMars Rover tool will shed light on obtaining different information by collecting geological remains from the planet’s surface. It is aimed to introduce the vehicle, which is thought to use a special system to collect samples, in 2020.

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